When I first arrived in Thailand, I was all, “Look at all the geckos! They’re so small and sweet. Maybe I can tie a little leash around one and call him Buckminster*.”

But that was before I got to know them. Here’s why I can no longer trust geckos.

They plot against you.

When I was in bed yesterday, I felt something fall on my stomach. I looked up to see this …

He had just dropped a home-cooked lizardy nugget on my bare stomach, and this motherfucking gecko was just frozen there on the ceiling, staring intensely at me with his pinhead eyes.

They move too fast.

They have this horrible way of moving around, like a horror movie villain who has been run over by a car seven times, and, even though he has dislocated hips and backwards elbows, he still manages to stagger at an alarming speed. It’s a spasmodic, feverish shimmy. Their sticky foot pads allows them to climb walls, and if startled, they’ll find an open window to mush their fleshy bodies through, before disappearing into the night.

They want to mess with your mind.

The song of the gecko is omnipresent. GECK-O. It’s in the corners of your room. GECK-O. It’s under the couch. GECK-O. It’s coming from underwear drawer, your make-up bag, your box of Special-K. Imagine if I hid in your house and, every now and then, made my presence known by whispering my name. TORRE. TORRE. TORRE. No, not creepy at all.

They are bilingual.

Thai people call them chingchoks because according to them, that is the noise they make. Really? Because I’m hearing a distinctive GECK-O. There is definitely no CHING and absolutely no CHOC in GECK-O. Which can only me one thing: they speak two languages!

Whenever you are, there they are.

Every morning when I get out a bowl for breakfast, I expose a gecko from his hiding spot under the dishware. Freaked, he takes off running like a madman—his tiny hips sashaying in high speed, his beady eyes far too clued-in for my liking. Whether I’m preparing my breakfast or showering or sleeping, I can feel 1,000 unblinking stares fixed lasciviously on my food, my body, my orifices. They’re always near, watching, waiting …

They can lick their own eyeballs.

They don’t have eyelids, they instead just lick their eyeballs clean. Enough said.

They’re meaty.

Ivan was in the bathroom having a leisurely pee when he suddenly flew out of the door backwards. “There’s a giant lizard in there!” he said, startled. Ivan is the person I call when I need giant spider removal services. He swims with sharks and snacks on deep fried cockroaches. But this lizard had him jigging about on the spot.

“Really? You’re scared of a lizard?” I said.

“It’s meaty!”

“Can you put it outside?”

“No-ho-ho-ho-ho!” he stammered. “No-ho-ho-ho-ho-way! It’s too meaty.”

I wanted to see some meat that even an Argentinean wouldn’t go near.  “Show me.”

He pointed in horror to the wall beside the toilet. It was longer than my foot, and meaty it was:

If you blur your eyes, they’re fingers with legs.

I used to think they were adorable, but now I realise they are the fingers of sex offenders that have grown eyes and legs so they can slip into small spaces without being noticed. See?

Creepy fingers want to give you some candy

Or maybe they’re just harmless house lizards. I don’t know.

* Buckminster was the name my parents were going to give me if I’d come out a boy. No kidding. My parents tried for a boy, but had six girls instead. Clearly, God doesn’t approve of Buckminster either, but I feel it’s the perfect name for a creepy lizard on a leash.

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521 Response Comments

  • Christina  May 11, 2012 at 9:01 am

    Hysterical–as usual. XX

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:18 am

      You’re only saying that because you’re my mum. x 🙂

    • lexy  September 22, 2013 at 3:31 am

      i love geckos i take in unwanted geckos who have been found or are no longer wanted in a house hold so if u go back bring me a bucket full . lol.

  • erin aka eef  May 11, 2012 at 11:51 am

    haha, i love this post! we have geckos here, but no that many. i have yet to find one in the house, so they’re still fun to me… i don’t imagine they’d be so fun scampering about my house.

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:20 am

      Yeah, I felt the same way before I shacked up with them. Some relationships go awry when you move in together.

    • alison knapman  June 29, 2015 at 10:56 am

      I’m in bali and can’t believe the noise that they make its seems so loud for such a small creature. I would love to take one home with me on Wednesday but I’m sure customs would not allow lol

  • Erica  May 11, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    This is hilarious! and I have no idea that they lick their own eyeballs.

    I’d take 10 geckos over 1 roach any day, though…

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:21 am

      You know, I used to feel the same way, Erica. But even the giant roaches here don’t disturb me as much as the geckos. Perhaps if there were as many roaches are there are geckos, I’d feel differently.

      • Erica  May 15, 2012 at 3:28 am

        oh no… that’s terrifying.

      • Dora  February 8, 2016 at 10:22 pm

        Wow! Great to find a post knkiocng my socks off!

      • Jammy DeCosta  July 31, 2016 at 6:31 pm

        Umm Sharik reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) commanded her to kill geckos. This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Ibn Abi Shaiba with a slight variation of wording.
        Umm Sharik reported that she consulted Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) in regard to killing of geckos, and he commanded to kill them and Umm Sharik is one of the women of Bani ‘Amir b. Luwayy. This hadith has been reported through another chain of transmitters with the same meaning.
        ‘Amir b. Sa’d reported on the authority of his father that Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) commanded the killing of geckos, and he called them little noxious creatures.
        ‘A’isha reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said about the gecko as a noxious creature”. Harmala made this addition that she said: I did not hear that he had commanded to kill them.
        Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who killed a gecko with the first stroke for him is such and such a reward, and he who killed it with a second stroke for him is such and such reward less than the first one, and he who killed it with the third stroke for him is such and such a reward less than the second one.

    • thanveer  March 20, 2013 at 2:21 pm

      it is true they can lick thir ow eye balls i saw it many times in my house

      • Torre DeRoche  March 21, 2013 at 1:01 pm

        Oh yes, indeed they can.

    • Andrea Miller  November 6, 2018 at 5:34 am

      Most gecko species don’t have eyelids. They don’t have protective scales over their eyes like snakes either. So the only way that they can clean and hydrate their eyes is to lick them. You have probably felt what it’s like to not blink, or when you have something in your eye, but if you’re a gecko you can’t rub it or blink either and you would be very uncomfortable.

  • Shannon O'Donnell  May 11, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    This is hilarious. And I happen to love gekkos, the cute little ones that chuckle at just the right moment when I would chat with friends in my apartment in Thailand. Then I went south to Cambodia and saw my first full-grown one. THEY’RE SCARY. And meaty..meaty is precisely the word for it. 🙂

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:22 am

      I’m glad we’re on the same page with this. Little, fleshy beast = okay. HUGE FLESHY MOFO = scary!

  • Meg  May 11, 2012 at 6:45 pm

    My dog loves to gecko hunt, or what I like to call Lizzy hunt. She is so fascinated by them, so if anything they are good dog toys! 🙂

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:26 am

      Lizzy. Funny. We often call them Lizzy too. “Oh, look, Lizzy’s here.” All lizards are really just one female character named Lizzy.

      I agree that they make good toys for the dogs (and cats, I’m sure).

    • Callum  July 2, 2015 at 10:01 am

      That’s kinda sick imo. Dog toys? Maybe that’s a thing in Thailand, idk. We keep them as pets here but there aren’t any wild ones. Not sure if you’re being serious either. Plotting against you? They’re animals for goodness sake. Mine craps on me all the time. My hands, my arms and my legs once.

    • Callum  July 2, 2015 at 10:02 am

      That’s kinda sick imo. Dog toys? Maybe that’s a thing in Thailand, idk. We keep them as pets here but there aren’t any wild ones. Not sure if you’re being serious either. Plotting against you? They’re animals for goodness sake.

  • Aaron @ Aaron's Worldwide Adventures  May 11, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    Torre, hilarious as always! I have to say though, I totally miss the geckos from my time in Thailand! They became such a routine site that it’s just not the same sitting at a restaurant at home in NYC and NOT seeing one of them traversing the ceiling above you!

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:27 am

      Ha ha. I’m still waiting for the day that I get stuck into my Pad Thai noodles and discover a little baked body in the folds of noodles.

      • Zandile  January 17, 2020 at 6:49 am

        In your noodles… That would be the day you die. They are extremely dangerous and poisonous. I am from South Africa and they are EVERYWHERE. I have heard more than one report of families being whiped out because a gekho fell into their pot of boiled water. I hate them they annoy me and scare me at the same time. I make my husband hunt them down whenever I spot one in our bedroom.

  • Denise  May 12, 2012 at 12:25 am

    They do say GECK-O….definitely!

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:28 am

      I’d love to have an argument with a Thai person about this. In Sweden, roosters say “Koo-koo-da-koo” apparently. But I’m pretty damn sure they say “Cock-a-doodle-do.”

      • Denise  May 15, 2012 at 6:14 am

        They say neither of these things. They say ki-ki-ri-kiiiii!!!, as any Italian will tell you. That sounds more likely to me.

        • Connie  June 5, 2015 at 5:15 am

          I wasn’t scared of them geckos until last night when I saw one as big as a rat and tooooooooo meaty. I’m totally freaked out and I’m still under my sleeping net now, too scared to go out…..
          And I’m pretty sure what the cocks say is ku ku ruuuuu ku lol.

          • Chris  September 25, 2017 at 9:53 pm

            Ha… i was going to say ku ku ruuu kuuuuu as well. That is a give away on your cultural background. I cannot stand any type of lizard. Nope! They have plans to take over the world.

          • Jamie  October 12, 2017 at 8:58 am

            In Mexico (because I never had the opportunity to listen to so many roosters before I moved here) they most certainly say cock-a-doodle-doooo. Doodle has 2 syllables, without fail. Also they sleep in trees. What even? And as far as geck’s are concerned, I found one of those tiny buttholes hiding out in my tortillas yesterday morning when I tried to make breakfast. He refused to come out. So I had to go get new tortillas. Very rude little food-jacking geck.

        • Alex  June 13, 2018 at 8:13 am

          I’m Mexican and I hear them say ki-ki-ri-kiiiii too, I think the ones JAMIE heard were foreigner roosters.

      • Esther Nordman  May 10, 2018 at 4:52 am

        In Nigeria, roosters say, ” Koko loko!”

        • Karl  March 15, 2021 at 8:23 pm

          I’m a 6’3″ 100kg man’s man and I must agree with Ivan. They’re too damn meaty! I had a huge guy who hung around above my door and when I heard them hiss that was it for me. Terrified hahaha. And soi dogs too!

  • Lindsey  May 12, 2012 at 12:42 am

    Bahaha this was hilarious! We get geckos a bit here but not that many! Sounds, umm, fun …

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:31 am

      Apparently they had to remove a snake from the accommodation next door, so I consider myself to be pretty lucky.

  • Deborah  May 12, 2012 at 11:00 am

    When I lived in Cambodia there were geckos all over my flat. Someone once told me the only time they fall from the roof is when they are ‘mating’… I suspect I spent much of the time trying to discourage bonking (lest they drop on top of me when I least expect it!).

    I know they’re essentially harmless, but I find them freaky… plus the noise they make can be bloody annoying!

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:32 am

      Just out of curiosity, how to do you about discouraging geckos from bonking? Does that mean no Barry White music after 10pm?

      • licerio  July 5, 2013 at 5:43 am

        hehe perfectly whitty response. I recently moved to Hawaii and the geckos are really gonna take some getting used to and the flying roaches any advise. lol lizzy just laughed at me when i typed that

  • Charley  May 12, 2012 at 11:18 am

    Must be the sheer numbers of them. We have ONE lone gecko living near out car port and he comes out only when its super hot. He’s the only one ive ever seen at our house an don his own he is cute (and exciting for his rareness!). But what you’re describing does sound freaky…and hilariously described 🙂

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:35 am

      How do you know it was only one and not many that looked the same? I thought we had ONE living on the boat (Lizzy) and then one day we found in a corner, dried up and very much dead. “Oh, no, poor Lizzy.” But then the next day, Lizzy was back, Pet Sematary-style.

  • Sarah Somewhere  May 12, 2012 at 12:47 pm

    Ba ha ha ha ha… Too funny, Torre. Maybe you could write a spooky children’s book about The Aventures of Buckminster, it wil be like the next Harry Potter, but better 🙂

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:36 am

      YES!!! I love it. Though I have a feeling that if I wrote a children’s book, it have a great number of inappropriate themes in it.

  • Nicole  May 12, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    I had never heard of the name Buckminster before, but just now, a quote by Buckminster Fuller came up in my FB feed. I had to come back and tell you. Was it he who your parents wanted to name you after?

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:36 am

      I have no idea. My parents named me after Torrey Pines, California, but they got the spelling wrong. So who knows what they were thinking when they came up with Buckminster.

  • Pia  May 13, 2012 at 11:55 am

    You’ve done it again T dawg! Funny, funny post! I told you, they’re HUGE on that island! I feel the need to share the fact that I accidentally ran over a gecko on my wheely office chair last week. I may have cut the little guy in half?….It’s haunted me ever since! It wasn’t pretty. There is still little meaty bits in the wheel. And then there was the time one launched itself at me in the shower in Nam. I squealed like a bitch. Luke said he has never heard that sound come out of my mouth before. They are sneaky little buggers that haunt you. GECK-O, GECK-O is natures cruel version of the ‘Venga Bus’ song I reckon! Love to you and Ivan xxx

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:38 am

      No!! You’ve haunted me! Now all of my showers will be taken in fear of a Psycho moment, but with a kamikaze gecko instead of Norman Bates.

  • kate  May 13, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    Wow – I was laughing out loud reading this. I always thought of geckos as cute and cuddly too, you know, the Geico gecko type of gecko. Now I have a new phobia! Thanks for the laughs (not the phobia) 🙂

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:39 am

      Sorry about the phobia. Though a problem shared is a problem halve, so thanks.

  • Davis  May 14, 2012 at 12:14 am

    Here in the States we have a gecko as the Trusted Spokesperson for a car insurance company.

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:40 am

      They should change their mascot. Could you trust someone who licks their own eyeballs? COULD YOU?

      • alex  September 22, 2013 at 3:34 am

        well it is for insurance and it is called geico life insurance but it has a gecko as a mascott it is pretty good it is all animated

  • Ayngelina  May 14, 2012 at 3:32 am

    Oh my this made me laugh out loud. But I have to defend the gecko for a minute – they do eat bugs and there is nothing worse than the bugs in South East Asia.

    • Torre DeRoche  May 15, 2012 at 3:40 am

      You’re totally right, Ayngelina. This is their one redeeming feature (and I must say, it’s a pretty significant redeeming feature).

      • Arinze Eze  September 26, 2017 at 4:40 pm

        No! I fail to agree with you here! how about their circus performances? The acrobatic crawls across your ceilings? No other reptile can equal that. Not even humans!

      • Lynn NFL  July 23, 2018 at 8:10 am

        Laugh out loud funny, forwarded to my Tori.
        Good thing their are a lot of geckos in Thailand or you could be wading in cockroaches! Yikes! What a nightmare, and where is that guy who told about allah wanting to kill the geckos.
        Nooo… why not allah advising to kill the cockroaches instead, they’re kamikaze crazy too. ?
        Thanks for the laughs!

  • Emily Woodhouse  May 17, 2012 at 4:18 am

    Your gecko pictures reminded me of my childhood memory. When I was in Subic Bay, Philippines with my parents. My mom used to call them little dinosaurs in front of me. lol

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:29 pm

      They are dinosaurs! Itty bitty little ones.

  • Jeremy Branham  May 18, 2012 at 5:16 am

    I wouldn’t want to deal with those lizards either. Those things are big! Here’s the real question – do they bite?

    Well I will say this for Geckos – they do a great job of selling car insurance!

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:30 pm

      Yes, they bite. Apparently they get lock jaw and don’t let go for an hour or so. Google it.

      • Kiwi  October 21, 2015 at 9:00 pm

        Leopard Geckos don’t bite 🙂 they will bite if ur mean to them. And, you probably don’t know what a leopard gecko was sooooooooooooo this post was pointless……………………………….

  • Lauren  May 18, 2012 at 6:47 am

    I’ve never given much thought to Geckos- I’ve only seen them in Hawaii and I found them pretty and cool, and a bit freaky at the same time.

    Buckminister? Really. Where did they get that name from? You don’t hear that every day. And six girls, they really wanted a boy!

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:31 pm

      They were probably trying to think up a name that would protect me from school-ground teasing, and Buck didn’t rhyme with anything bad they could think of…

  • Hannah  May 19, 2012 at 1:42 pm

    I loved this post! You made me laugh out loud, but I gotta say, I’m down with the geckos, meaty or otherwise. I just find them so darn cute! I never actually knew that they really said ‘Geck-o’ until I was in Bali a few years ago and heard a little dude introducing himself for the first time. I have to admit, it made me love them even more. Don’t hate me.

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:32 pm

      Why don’t you just marry them then, Hannah?! Psht. 😉

  • Runaway Brit  May 29, 2012 at 8:51 pm

    I have to admit that when I lived in Saigon I quite liked the geckos that ran around the house (apart from when they sprang out from the toilet bowl), but my next door neighbour seemed to have all manner of problems with them: they used to run down his walls and steal rubber bands from a bowl on his desk! Another time he was removing his laundry from the washing machine and found HALF a gecko amongst his clothes! He never found the other half.

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:33 pm

      Oh no, that’s gross.

      I wonder why they wanted the rubber bands? They don’t even have ponytails to tie back. They’re bald.

  • Vacay Girl  June 7, 2012 at 11:21 pm

    Ugh! Never thought they were cute but was never bothered by them either. I’d imagine if I saw them constantly they would begin to freak me out as well. I know you’ve probably already thought of this but I hope one never poops in your mouth while you sleep. That would definitely mean curtains for the little guy!

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:34 pm

      That’s it—I’m installing a mesh screen on my mouth hole.

  • Sueann  June 15, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    I have a massive phobia of geckos/lizards and had a very hard time reading this post. *Shudder* The last image did not settle well in my mind and I had to rapid-scroll to the bottom of the screen just so I could get away from the image. ARGHH!!!

    And to follow up on some of the comments, I’d take a roach anytime over a baby lizard. Roaches still creep me out but at least I don’t do a minor convulsion whenever I see a picture of one.

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:35 pm

      Sorry to traumatise you, Sueann. I guess that means no trips to the tropics?

  • Katherine - Kapcha The World  June 21, 2012 at 2:59 am

    haha awesome. Am literally crying with laughter now!

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:35 pm


      • angela  July 2, 2014 at 9:23 pm

        haha ive only really just discovered gecko lizards but i have just bought a great load of glass ones lol cos i thought they looked great

  • NaEun  July 9, 2012 at 4:05 pm

    I grew up in Cambodia for 14 years – I am TERRIFIED of them. When travelers come and say that they are the cutest creatures, I cringe. Next time, I’m showing them this post. I have so many horrible gecko stories too. yikes!

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:36 pm

      Oh no, don’t tell me!

      Okay, tell me.

  • Leif  August 14, 2012 at 1:31 am

    They’re fingers with legs lol. A thai lady told me that if you hear them croak 7 times then you will have good luck.

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:36 pm

      Um … I’m pretty sure that means they’re having sex.

  • Gina  September 4, 2012 at 10:08 pm

    I love geckos, but I don’t think I’ll ever look at them in quite the same way again. 🙂

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:37 pm

      They’ll be looking at you, though. As you sleep.

  • Julie Jacobson  September 9, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    I love your gecko story and your Bio, the two things that I have read so far. Your website is beaucoup fun. I hope to have my own website someday, but I have a lot of time to sit and think about it since my son is going to make it for me. Maybe I’ll even learn how to be funny by then.

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:37 pm

      He he. (See? I’m already laughing.)

  • Neil Skywalker  January 14, 2013 at 10:14 am

    I’m dating a Sudanese girl now who is deadly afraid of Gecko’s too. She would love this article.

    • Torre DeRoche  January 14, 2013 at 12:17 pm

      Ha ha. It would just reinforce her fears, make her scared-er-er.

  • Saïd  February 25, 2013 at 10:59 am

    I met one of’em in the guestroom about a month ago, he was small and fast, he ran under the bed, I thought ok I don’t use that room so leave him be. We came across each other yesterday and he got bigger this time, maybe it’s another one and there’s a colony of’em but I’d rather not think about that…Anyway I hit him to the head with a long piece of wood (found nothing else to hit him with), his eye popped out and he jumped then fell and I saw some blood on the floor, he tried to run but I hit him again, his tail kept moving, I didn’t wanna kill him, but he was “damaged” and I feel bad about that, I still do. I threw it out anyway, hopinge he’ll survive, there’s a legion of cats outside, I’m not sure about him surviving, but I hope his death wouldn’t be by my hands…Anyway, since I’m feeling bad, I was browsing the internet for people like me, and I found this article, and I feel a little better, because that big meaty one in the bathroom, he fucking looks like the one I had in my house and I’m thinking maybe if I let it co-exist with me, I would have just burnt the house and moved somewhere else…so thank you for making me feel a little better!

    • Stephanie  April 18, 2015 at 4:32 pm

      Shit, that’s macabre.

  • Stephen  April 3, 2013 at 10:53 pm

    You,ve made me think twice . Made me laugh anyway, is that the colour of your tum?if so you should see your g.p. immediately.

  • lori  April 24, 2013 at 7:34 pm

    Oh, I live in Texas, I don’t mind all the Gecko’s, they mainly live outside or in the fireplace stones. What I DO mind are the tarantulas!! Imagine those guys climbing on your walls…they freak me every time. AND they’re so big you can’t just squash them like a regular spider….

    • Torre DeRoche  April 27, 2013 at 2:32 am

      O. M. G. You get tarantulas in your house?!!

  • Jim d  July 4, 2013 at 7:42 am

    Well guys u are not gonna believe this,i have seen different geckos in my house and they give me sleeples nights literarily speaking.they wake me up from my sleep talking to my mind,guys u might tink am insane but its true.they stare at me a lot and sometimes its like they have powers they operate with.this creatures make me feel strange and sometimes they will hang directly above my head when am sleeping so i wake with up and get shock when i see them.guys dont trust wall geckos they are up to something and they seem dangerous to me.

  • Natasha Swan  July 10, 2013 at 12:07 pm

    Hahahahaha!! Oh my gosh, this is the funniest thing I have ever read! I can honestly agree with all of this!
    These tiny dinosaurs just stare into your soul and then you blink just once and they’re gone.

    • Torre DeRoche  July 11, 2013 at 8:38 am

      I’m glad you agree.

  • Morgan  July 15, 2013 at 3:06 am

    Good luck with those geckos in Thailand- they love heat and humid environments – take it from a Texas girl. Good news? They’ll knock out some of those pesky flies and mosquitoes.

  • susan  August 3, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    This had me laughing your very funny!! I live in Greece and just when I think I have gotten rid of all the gekkos I go into the bathroom and another one is above my head!! they are horrid creatures!! I have just found another and refuse to go into the bathroom until my husband comes home which isn’t until tomorrow so I will be very smelly!! so annoying!

  • Mandy  August 7, 2013 at 3:43 am

    So I was nearly attacked in the bathroom tonight by the dreaded gecko. He pulled the classic ceiling drop. My husband was teasing me b/c I truly think I have a healthy fear of the little monsters. So I decided to look up “fear of geckos” to prove I’m not alone. I came across your blog and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Our geckos are not nearly as scary as yours so no trips to Thailand for me! Thank you for a good laugh! Oh and I hope I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night…I know he’s waiting for me.

  • LoTekGirl  August 8, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    Love it; keep it coming Buckminster! I think I may have some disturbing nightmares about those Gecko hands though…

    • Nalani  August 9, 2013 at 1:44 am

      OMG, I despise these guys! I live in Hawaii and they’re everywhere too!! 🙁 Currently I am losing a battle at getting one out of my car! It got in there two nights ago when I accidentally left my window cracked. It’s only 1 1/2 inches long (a baby one), but no less freaky!! He’s made 2 appearances since, but as soon as I try to get him out, he wriggles into a crease in my carseats….wish me luck!!

  • Rejin  August 31, 2013 at 5:40 pm


  • Hels  September 8, 2013 at 11:44 pm

    Funny post… but I love geckos. Almost as much as I love cats, and that’s saying something. 🙂

  • Blanca  September 14, 2013 at 5:00 am

    I hate them. i nearly had a heart attack in cambodia – they were everywhere! didnt se any in bangkok- i am off yo Khao Lak in november and really scared:(

  • Sherri  September 18, 2013 at 5:06 pm

    My friends think I’m nuts. I’m happy to learn I am not the only one with a healthy fear of geckos. I avoid live plants near the doors to prevent one from slipping in. While in Chicago last week, I noted – not a single gecko in sight. I may move there. I had to shoo one out of my house today. It was such an emotional episode, it may as well have been a python.

  • Franca  December 13, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    I love this post 🙂 I used to be terrified of geckos but after having spent a bit of time in SEA I learnt to ‘appreciate’ them especially when they make their calls 🙂

  • Grahame  January 3, 2014 at 10:52 pm

    Hi, I also read this and found it quite funny. But then I realised it is based on lies, damned lies! How could a Gecko, clinging to the ceiling, turd up hill! Its’ ass is pointing upwards at this point and even if it could drop a nugget it would crap on itself and as such I feel you have done the humble gecko a disservice with your use of poetic licence!!!

  • Diane Irvine  January 29, 2014 at 10:16 am

    Love this article, but I have to say that I have recently, more than ever grown to like this little gritter. They keep the house clean of horrible spiders and anything else that doesn’t pay rent in my house! And only just discovered that the chirping noise in my lounge is some chatty little Geckos, not a bird making his home in the air-con.

  • Sue  February 28, 2014 at 8:56 pm

    Checked into really nice hotel in Hanoi. While unpacking, moved pillow on bed, and a gecko ran across bed. Called operator to send someone to take gecko out of room, and when 2(!) people finally arrived with large bags, etal. I had already put a glass over him on the bed to prevent him from disappearing off it to elsewhere in the room. ALL had a good laugh as their ‘gecko’ is a very large lizard which is what they expected to see; not this cute little guy under a drinking glass! He/it had come in thru a small opening of the window from the foliage outside.

  • Natalia  March 14, 2014 at 3:12 am

    OMG! I so hate geckos. All my life. I hate and scared to death when I see them. A guy friend of mine passed out when a gecko fell on top of him when he was lying in bed. Your description of this hideous creature is so right!!

  • Stenily Jane  April 3, 2014 at 6:28 pm

    Hi! I stumbled upon your post because I have this freakishly sounding gecko in my fiancee’s room.. and you are soooo right! They plot against you! Every time my mind drifts away from its presence, it chirps and announces that it’s still there 🙁 We just moved in this room yesterday and I can’t sleep properly because I fear it might be laying flat on my face when I wake up the next morning . ANyhow, I enjoyed your post! 😀

  • Lee Jing Wei Gwendolyn  April 5, 2014 at 2:54 pm

    Hi, I’m Gwen and i’m twelve but i’ve always known freaky Science facts and i’m P6 this year.Anywho, i’ve always thought of them little critters as ADORABLE, but just past night, i was playing with one and i couldn’t get hold of it so i used tape.Turns out it tore his belly skin, and inDID NOT want to see the skin on it’s back torn off,so i threw it out my window.Well, gues what?
    IT CAME BACK.THE TAPE STICKING It oN THE SOFA.Long story short, im glad i didnt experince what you did,you know, the poop.But i did try to sho one away just,and when i warned him of how loud and dangerous my Mum was,it just stood there.So i threw my soft toy at it twice and it scurried off on the top of the air con unit.did i mention i live in Singapore?But those lizzy fingers,it really got me creeped AND thinking o.o

  • Meow  April 16, 2014 at 3:35 pm

    Jing-jok is the pale skin, small ones…really skinny, yellowish skin.
    But gecko is the scary ones, they can be really big, depends on the food and climate.

  • nitish  May 9, 2014 at 9:42 pm

    would it be enough if i possess a shotgun or a rambo knife to save me from the devil geCk0’s in my home’s wall that shows it’s presence everytime i enter, underneath my bed, behind the curtain that always fearfully shocks me to death and evil egoistic charmeleons that from anywhere comes to me ….. i can see in their tiny sharp pointed eyes that they want to bite me 1000 times in every 1 hours…

  • Rene Womble  May 16, 2014 at 11:31 pm

    i just moved down to texas and have been beset with geckos on my back porch – last night i saw one scampering into my house! i will not sleep well anymore – this cracked me up! i don’t get close enough to hear any sounds, but i’m sure this demon gecko in my house will be saying my name like yours was saying yours! thanks for the levity!

  • Maria  June 2, 2014 at 5:26 am

    omg!! This is too funny! i lived in Michigan my whole life and the worse thing i came across was a garden snake or a centipede but i moved to Florida recently and omg geckos and lizards everywhere its disgusting i get chills every time i see one. Just saw one in my room the other day managed to kill it because it crawled under my hat and i stomped on it mwhahaa

  • Izzy s.g 1001  June 9, 2014 at 7:20 am

    How can you say that I have a 5 day old hatchling and he is ADORABLE and very harmless I think there the cutest things ever when there babies and sooooo pretty

  • Mariasha  June 9, 2014 at 3:45 pm

    I love this!!!! You got it right! I, too, was admiring the “adorable” creatures, claiming they were bringing out my maternal instincts until one particular brazen, hyper gecko started messing with us, including leaping onto my naked body in bed! The one in your bathroom is a Tokay. We’re in Thailand, too, and those tokays make all kinds of noise crawling all over the roof at night. Also cute – from a distance. haha! Love your blog!

  • LX  June 27, 2014 at 10:59 am

    they’re not good lizard,or either been use as evil tools by some wicked human,seriously,i feared this animal than a lion.i have been buying some poison to use to flush them out of my enviroment next time i travel to Africa. if they’re in your bedroom,watch out for some scratches on your face or body when you wake up next day.i can always feels when mosquito land on my skin,how come i never feel gecko’s scrach or even crawling on my skin.if they put their heads down toward where you’re sleeping,you will be struggling to get up from your bed,it is like 10 people held you down to your bed. i dont normally believe in superstitious crap,but i strongly believe this. Yoruba and other tribes in Nigeria,considered them to be evil or been use for witchcraft, i did experienced it many times since i was born,even till early this year when i was in Nigeria. i never felt such a thing where i live in europe. you never see them moving or running around,only if they want to eat inseects, they will just hang on the wall,watching you 24/7,the horror begin when you go to sleep.and this happens to many people.

    • Torre DeRoche  November 14, 2014 at 10:05 am

      Please never hurt geckos or any other animals, even if you’re scared of them. Killing animals is not okay.

    • bella  January 30, 2015 at 1:23 am

      geckos are disgusting and freaky creatures. they re definitely up to something. I have blocked all d holes in my room but still I dont know how they find their way into my room last night, I saw two at my window making annoying sounds so I tried killing them. geckos are evil creatures they just lurk around staring at you. I think they re used for evil by evil forces. I always kill them with insecticide whenever I see them. they should never be trusted.

      • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:21 pm

        Killing is evil. That makes you evil, not the gecko. Stop it.

      • bolko  August 13, 2015 at 10:05 am

        Geckos are usually ambush predators, and some of them slow searching predators. Furthermore they are nocturnal and sleep during the day. And because they are nocturnal and cold-blooded, they have much less control of their body temperature than diurnal lizards. Although they have been adapted to such a life where temperature is fluctuating, they still have a slower metabolism, smaller lungs and heart than diurnal lizards, so they cannot sustain high activity for long. And when confronted by a threat, many geckos will initially freeze, hoping that the predator might ignore them. This might work for birds, other lizards, frogs, or even cats, but apparently it doesn’t work to the least for humans with their preconceived plans of killing them.
        A motionless gecko does not spy on you. It does not send magic to you. It doesn’t want to bother with you generally. Either it is sleeping, waiting for a meal, just relaxing or paralyzed of fear as a result of your threatening actions. Please get to their own point of view once, and stop interpreting their behaivior based on your hysterical notions.
        And geckos are animals that feel pain, for god’s sake! Would you douse a small mammal with insecticide, even a mouse in your home? Probably not. Would you do the same to a chick? Probably not. Would you do the same to a frog? Probably not. Would you do the same to an insect? Probably not most of the time. Would you do the same to a snake? Probably yes. Please sit down one time and think about the reasons you designate animals good or bad. You will be surprised how arbitrary are the criteria, and the justifications for doing what you do to bad animals even flimsier.

  • Matthew  June 29, 2014 at 3:07 pm

    I so much hate ts creatures
    they mess wit ur mind. if u have geckos in or around ur house, u should try n observer if thr is one around when u having bad imaginations
    as if they possess one wit evil
    since I notice ts, I start killing n chasing them away n those bad imaginations stop coming to me

  • Tina  July 13, 2014 at 8:45 am

    You must be what I call judgemental and consider your self as someone that desevers more than what you think is beneath you. I will admit it is because I love watching lizards of all kinds and have found that my mother is the only person that will bight her toung about how she feels about the time I spend doinjg that, bird watching and feeding but for me it is how I recharge myself after going thru major losses that still bring me much pain. So just because you focus on some negitive points of another life form should not knock the positive points of the map less you just dont want to spend the energy it take to recall something positive you once thought or felt. Maybe you are a victum yourself of such judgements and have not come to terms with sucking up the negitive you have come accross in order to keep from passing it on on the other hand maybe this lizard is the thing you allow yourself liberty to project negitive and worthless thoughts to the point of making sure you tell as many as you can of your negitive thoughts.

    • Torre DeRoche  November 14, 2014 at 10:01 am

      I’m so glad you have geckos to make you feel okay. They don’t evoke those feelings for me. We’re all entitled to our differing experiences.

  • Samantha Mountfort  July 28, 2014 at 6:02 pm

    This is completely spot on!! I have a real bad fear of these little evil blood sucking fire breathing things and I do not trust them whatsoever!! Love this! 🙂

  • Deplane  August 8, 2014 at 3:53 am

    I hate geckos because of that commercial, where they have a British gecko from Thailand not understanding BullWinkle and Rockey! Now what’s next with this Dam lizard going to take on a new color? Black maybe? Shoot me!

  • Antonio Lopez  August 20, 2014 at 12:26 am

    Geckos are AWESOME, I have a leopard gecko and he (and yes I checked) is the best pet ever! Unlike most geckos, leopard geckos have eyelids and cannot climb walls or glass.

  • bolko  October 2, 2014 at 8:58 pm

    Not all geckos are like these! There are more than 1000 species of geckos, and actually a few genera have adapted to live with humans. You happen to find the tokay gecko, scientific name Gekko gekko, which is a common gecko in south and southeast Asia, in houses, farms and the wilderness. From its vocalization all the members of the gecko superfamily got their name.
    The tokay gecko happens to be one of the largest geckos, up to 30 cm. Other house geckos, like the mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) here in Greece, reach only 10 cm, and, although they can vocalize, most of the time they seem that do not exist. Nowadays they are found usually outside homes, because inside insects are usually absent. You can try to exclude geckos from your home by elliminating their food, insects, chasing them out and guarding possible entry points with mesh.
    And no, geckos don’t lick their eye balls. Actually the eyelids are extremely thin and fused in a kind of membrane, and the gecko licks that to clean it. The eye ball is inside and protected. That it is a good adaptation for a small nocturnal lizard that runs through branches, but closing the eye is a problem. Usually geckos will constrict the pupils as much as possible and pull their eyes a little in in order to minimize light absorbed. but to have a good sleep they will seek a dark place. I have a crested gecko (Correlophus ciliatus), and I have observed it much. Very different species than the tokay though.
    The tokay is also held in captivity, but it is not prefered by most for a reason. I don’t want to frighten you more, but it is extremely fearless and aggressive for its size. In an enclosed space, it will jump to an interfering human from a distance and lock its jaws on him for much time. The teeth are adapted to crush small snails and beetles, so guess what happens. Although I don’t believe that one will attack you, it might if you try to catch it with bare hands. And also beware of the dropping tails! Caught geckos can drop their tail, which regenerates later, as a form of defence towards predators.
    But we must feel some sympathy for those animals. In recent years, because of some fraudulent chinese people, who persuaded the gullible that tokay geckos cure aids, thousands are killed. They kill them, then make them a powder and sell them in capsules, with no proven benefit of course. That must stop!

    Have a good living in Thailand, and be safe.

    • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:18 pm

      Thank you for the best comment ever, Bolko.

  • vic  October 6, 2014 at 1:57 am

    Hilarious blog! Was a good read but to be honest, I love the geckos! I live in the countryside in Thailand so they’re all around my house. But last night a giant gecko (about 18cm) was actually stalking some little wren type bird that was eating the flies off my screen! I had to intervene and scare away the bird! Thought that was slightly odd!

    • Colleen  October 14, 2014 at 5:06 pm

      It was probably jealous or territorial with the bird eating “his portion.” Guess they are some of the smartest, clingiest creatures around! Can go into a palace of a king if it wants to!! haha

  • bobajob  November 14, 2014 at 8:52 am

    the one with the yellow rings on its
    tail is a tokay gecko and it eats cockroaches, bigger than the normal house gecko
    which is green and has no rings on the tail.
    Both are welcome in my house though i haven’t seen a tokay for a long time.
    I leave snacks out for the house gecko, small pieces of boiled egg white and bits
    of soft cream cracker.

  • Lizz  November 16, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    hahahaha! I found one in my room and did a search online and this was one of the articles that came up…thank you , that was funny 🙂

  • Kay Neu  November 29, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    I have those little devils IN my house noW. Never , had seen them before. How do you get rid of them.? Thanks For any help.

    • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:15 pm

      According to Bolko, a commenter on this thread: “You can try to exclude geckos from your home by elliminating their food, insects, chasing them out and guarding possible entry points with mesh.”

  • lynne  December 5, 2014 at 12:26 am

    How do you get Geco out of your house..what do they not like.

  • Sanne  December 17, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Hahaha your story is so funny!!
    I googeld: does lizards feel pain when they fall off the wall? And I found your article.. still dont know the answer. But made me laugh though!

  • dannie  December 19, 2014 at 1:02 am

    I hate geckos indeed. creepy and sneaky. and they keep running like thieves each time u meet them. I knw they do the job of eating up the bugs and insects but I wldnt need their help for dat. plus the fact dat they are eptiles belonging to same classification as snakes. I just dnt like em. got loads of dem here in Nigeria found almost in every house . they creep me out. I wish I knew abt any geckocide if such exists. lol

  • Nicola  January 1, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    Haha.. hilarious. few faint tears funny!
    I lived in thailand for years and was also baffled by how the thai’s could hear anything but a distinct geck-o.. a thai guy told me ching chok is the book name, they also call them tokehs.. tok-eh tok-eh… closer…kinda.. but yeah, not really.
    Im on bali now and trying to figure out how i can get the two living in my house to be my friends.. i’ve fed them flies.. they still look skeptical of me… maybe it’s those unblinking eyes 😉
    Thanks for the laugh 😀

  • Marline  January 3, 2015 at 5:29 am

    Hi..those things are flippen nasty, I hate geckos, I scream for my husband everytime I see one, and if he doesn’t come on time to remove it, he just better watch out! I wonder why God created such ugly dirty creepies. I never got to see a geckos till I was 23. That was my first encounter, when we moved to our new home..I do have a fobia, but then again who doesn’t fear those ugly monsters, especially the transparent ones. They make like a click click noise…and leave stinky droppings. I always shut my windows before 6pm so that they don’t get into my house. There are many scary encounters with those uglies. Once I was taking a bath and one fell into the water, I got out screaming for my dear life and ran out naked and locked myself in my sons room. My hub thought there was a thief in the house. I was stammering, and shaking, and trembling, That thing fliippen drowned and died. Good! They all must get wiped out of this planet. I made my hub sterelize and wash my bath. They are aliens I think. They also rude and love looking at naked woman. Seriously I wonder if there’s anyone out there that like those freeks. I just think they should leave us alone.

    • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:13 pm

      Marline… wow. You really are afraid. Listen, there is help for people who have phobias and I think you should get it. Nobody needs to live with this amount of cortisol in their system. The reality of the situation is that we do live with geckos and other creatures that might make us feel uneasy, and they have as much right to the planet as you or I do. So we must make peace with them. Hurting or eradicating innocent creatures is barbaric no way to deal with one’s own irrational fear. Imagine if we all went around killing things we didn’t like! We have to make peace instead, learn to live among them.

  • Avinash @ PlanetWeb  January 17, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    Hahaha! Torre, I came here looking for ways to get rid of geckos after a miserably failed attempt at a gecko chase and almost died laughing!

    Today one managed to enter my bedroom after I left the window open the entire day and it kept making random noises before I chased it for like half an hour. Although I couldn’t manage to get a hold of it or chase it out of the room, it’s been quiet for some time now, although it did vanish somewhere.

    This chase was totally one of those experiences where I could really use all the Harry Potter magic spells that I could get my hands on!

    Thanks a lot for such an entertaining post and such witty comment replies! 🙂

  • Roxil  January 24, 2015 at 11:14 pm

    This is too funny, made my day! I have a beautiful 9 month old crested gecko, and she is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. But sometimes, at like 3 in the morning, I can hear her jump and skitter all around her cage (I keep her in my room), and that is the creepiest thing ever. It’s like a horror movie, you wake up and here a big ‘THUNK!’ in the middle of the night, then some creepy rustling around in the and you are utterly convinced there is a human in your room. Scares the crap out of ya. I’ve been pooped on, peed on, had her do her ‘freaky’ run all the way up my arm (which I think is adorable) but I love her anyways. You should get one as a pet, and a crested gecko stays mighty small, so no fear of the meaty ones.

  • Emy love  January 31, 2015 at 11:22 pm

    Here in nigeria,we kill gecko as soon as it is sighted cos its evil or so its believed.in the night when one is asleep,it sneaks out of its hole and positions itself on the ceiling directly on top of the person and starts to suffocate the sleeping person. How it does it beats my imagination though.

    • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:09 pm

      Do you know what else is evil? Humans. Humans who kill animals because of mistaken beliefs that they’re evil. Stop it.

    • Hmmm  December 19, 2016 at 10:47 am

      Which part of Nigeria? Not where I am from! Our old wives’ tale is that allowing geckos to live in your space brings you good luck. Only way to stop people from. Killing the critters! Many wake up with scratches made by those creepy looking things.

  • Alex Victor  February 6, 2015 at 10:47 pm

    i really love your article! its very funny, i’m also experiencing something similar. i’m no longer freaked out by geckos, anytime i see em around i recall your post and laugh… nice work

    • zakiyah  February 19, 2015 at 10:30 pm

      I just came upon this post after seeing a Gecko walking on my wall in my bedroom it scared the shit out of me never did I ever think this little creepy motherfuckers are cute I hate this shit .I tried hitting the Gecko but he dropped his tail & got away didn’t want to step foot into my room. I’m scared as hell of this little freaky stuff. But this post was one of thee most creepy & funny things I’ve read in my life .#phobia

      • Annie  February 20, 2015 at 1:36 am

        I have been planning “the trip of a lifetime” to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam for next February. Now I am freaked out. I didn’t know they dropped from the ceiling. And hid in toilets. Gross!

      • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:04 pm

        DON’T HIT THE GECKOS! Not cool, Zakiyah. Not cool.

  • Armaghan  March 2, 2015 at 7:08 pm

    There are 100s of lizards in my home. They are living with us since our house is constructed. I don’t like them at all. They disturb us a lot. I have started observing them now. Last time one very very fat lizard layed eges behind the frame which is right at top of my bed. The noise was so so creapy. I just want to ask and know Do Lizards produce sound? Do they have sound? Can they talk?

  • Carl Randall  March 18, 2015 at 5:39 pm

    Awesome story, very impressed with the analogies!
    We have one, my wife Regina screamed out the window, “We have a Geico in the bedroom!”.

  • Luke Van Rooyen  March 20, 2015 at 9:44 pm

    I will expose them for what they do and are… Now listen carefully as i swear on my life.When you are sleeping at night and one is in your room they wait till you asleep then go above the ceiling where your head is directly under them they will then drop their tail so it lands on your face or nearest to it the tail then finds its way to your ear where it will crawl into it the tail moves deep till it reaches your brain then latches its tail on your mind hence they control you… that is why some people are not scared of them as for me i know this to be the truth this is why i fear for them as i am aware what they do and what they are capable of doing so i have a great fear for them as i don’t want to be controlled by them ….. This is a true story as i swear on my life for it to be true anyone who doubts it is under their control… Luke!!!!!

    • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:08 pm

      Luke, there’s no easy way to tell an internet stranger this, but here goes: You’re having paranoid delusions. This could be a symptom of some medication you’re on, a neurological disorder, celiac disease, or maybe an overactive imagination. Go to a doctor and tell them about the geckos controlling your minds. They will help you. You need help.

  • Delphine  March 29, 2015 at 3:35 am

    I just had my first encounter with a huge gecko, and now that I saw your pictures I feel reassured, I AM NOT ALONE !!! I had a good laugh and am slowly recovering from freaking out 😉 Thank you for this!

  • Thomas  April 2, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    Get yourself a phobia treatment before there are more lunatics like you.

    • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:01 pm

      If you don’t lighten up and learn how to laugh, Thomas, you’re at grave risk of becoming a lunatic yourself.

  • Param  April 3, 2015 at 11:30 am

    I feel u totally. Their voices r completely horrible. Horrible liitle shitty critters. If I had my way id mass terminate ’em. Cnt believe people even find them cute. They look like roadkill.

    • Torre DeRoche  April 3, 2015 at 10:02 pm

      Param, put the gun down. They’re just harmless reptiles. Shhhhh. There, there.

  • Hannah @Getting Stamped  April 10, 2015 at 8:27 am

    I have been pooped on by geckos as well! We live in Chiang Mai now and thankfully haven’t had many in our apartment. But they also like to laugh at you when you are naked…

  • Lyn Fullerton  April 11, 2015 at 9:18 pm

    Great Story!! I live in Brisbane & my home is overrun by the dirty little creature’s…I have never said I hated any type animal, but these I can honestly say I HATE with a passion & would love nothing more then to find away of eradicating each & everyone from my home.

  • Tim  April 17, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    Had no idea that I acciddentally caught a gecko between sections of garage door this morn on way to school (I’m a science teacher with a great love for nature). Got home ans saw front half stilll alive wiggling arms in air opened door and he fell to ground and crawled awa… in half. I feel awful. Maybe he can regenerate more than just a tail?

    • Bob  May 10, 2015 at 4:10 am

      I spent two years in Vietnam, and every hotel in Saigon had one or more little green geckos on the ceiling or wall. I know there are many types of gecko. What type did I see so often in Saigon?

  • skylar  May 17, 2015 at 4:34 pm

    your a dumbass . geckos are nice and you shouldn’t judge them because of how they live. they were made that way

  • KISHORE DEY  May 29, 2015 at 6:50 am

    Today at 5.28 am one Gecko was beaten me on my left arm and some blood out from my arm.

    so mam i want to know anything does.

  • harmony  June 8, 2015 at 1:19 am

    How do l pursue it away from my house?

  • Emma  June 14, 2015 at 2:52 pm

    Geckos are harmless, but medium to large geckos do bite if distressed, but very gentle and will not puncher skin.

    • Maiki  June 21, 2015 at 7:07 pm

      Spot on. Thanks! Many people think that geckos are cute, but I say NOT! Looks can be deceiving. Have you seen them hunting? Geckos are brutal. They’re so quick, swallow their prey whole and display no remorse as they smugly gulp away. I feel a bit sorry for the poor bugs to be honest. Blinded by the lights as they flutter around haplessly, minding their own business. Only to end up as digestion material, still alive probably, thinking thoughts like: “What the fuck just happened?” and “Ouch!”

      • bolko  August 12, 2015 at 10:19 am

        Lizards usually do not swallow prey alive. Geckos chew it a little and then swallow it. But why you should call them brutal? Other, probably more dear predators for you are much more brutal. Each carnivorous animal has evolved to getprey as efficiently as possible in order to survive and minimize costs.

  • Stephen  July 7, 2015 at 9:15 pm

    When i see gecko in my room, i kill ’em. I feel its evil…i remembered killing a white colour gecko, then it change to black colour…why is that pls?

  • Rupen  July 8, 2015 at 11:18 am

    …at least they take care of the spider menace.

    It’s interesting how you’ve made a house-hold lizard into a scary monster coming from one of the Nightmare of Elm Street series. Thoroughly enjoyed this write-up and your writing style.

  • Vicky Lucia  July 19, 2015 at 4:33 am

    You are hilarious:-) 🙂 I’ve been depressed lately and need to get you book to cheer me up! Its not the rain, its the SUN. I live in phoenix. Not sure what I was thinking when I left beautiful Colorado!!!

  • jody  July 27, 2015 at 4:34 am

    Glue traps!!

  • Christmas  August 5, 2015 at 1:40 pm

    oh my!! We also have here in Thailand. In my house. I always hear gecko every night and sometimes I see the shadow behind the window in my toilet. Before I didnt know how it looks thats why I search and i found this.

  • bolko  August 13, 2015 at 10:40 am

    A week and some days before I caught a house gecko, Hemidactylus turcicus, (I am from Greece) in a basin where I had a container with mealworms. It was in a small room in the terrace over my flat, where I keep the colonies of my insects due to the favorable constant high temperatures at summer. Apparently it was eating the food of my lizards! I have a crested gecko and a bearded dragon, and also a horned frog. It was very panicked and tried to run from the one side to the other, but I caught it before it climbed the basin. It tried to run through my fingers, but then frose in place, letting a barely audible sound. It was then very convenient to photograph it.
    It remained immobile for some time, flinching and moving its tail when I proded it. Apparently they show their tail to predators like many other small lizards, in order to attack their tail and drop it to get away. I then handled it again. A very, very small and delicate animal that has no chance to any predator its size and bigger I believe. And yet this innocuous animal has haunted the mythology and folklore of Mediterranean and other cultures for millennia. How is that possible? It is just a small lizard. Then I left it outside to hunt some mosquitos, and leave my insects alone! But the next day I heard gecko sound in that room, and again the other day. Perhapse there are some of them there, eating small insects. I then changed mind – I will cover my insect containers, but I will leave a cup with very small insects for the geckos to visit and eat. I have to see them in that room for much time, maybe years.
    Also some days before, when I was in vacation in our cottage, I was hearing gecko sounds everywhere when I was outside in the yard at night. Near lights, from inside bushes, over windows. If an area has geckos and you know how they sound, it is certain you will hear them if you pay attention.

    I of course uploaded the photo on the blog, wrote about the incident, and when the identification was certain, I continued the article presenting all the gecko species in Greece.

  • cat  August 27, 2015 at 7:26 pm

    Living in Hawaii we have them everywhere. born and raised here and I’m still deathly afraid of them. Don’t know why, can’t be in the same room as them. everyone says that is must be a “past life experience” …LOL, maybe the dinosaur days…enjoyed reading this, made me laugh, made me squirm!

  • vicky  September 27, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    I realized we started getting alot of geckos and was surfing for info on why all of a sudden we have so many and found this article. I loved it and I have to admit I was thinking about keeping one as a pet but I have now reconsidered. Thanks for the heads up!

  • hamza  October 23, 2015 at 7:54 pm

    hah i hate gecko I don’t want see it.

  • Sam  November 2, 2015 at 11:46 am

    I’m sitting on my verandah in Amed Bali and I currently have two species of gecko entertaining me. The massive Tokay that is hiding in this crack above the shutters making very loud noises. It is camera shy but we know it is there. Avoids being photographed….suspicious in this land of selfies. The other more numerous, like I count 9 gathered around the fan and light, are running around the ceiling waiting for a meal to land. One big sucker is intimidating the others like a gang leader….wagging his tail and scaring them off. He just got this big bug with his lightening fast tongue. Free entertainment for me.

    • bolko  December 6, 2015 at 6:57 pm

      Geckos don’t catch insects with the tongue. Only with the jaws. Are you sure?

      • LadyVader  November 28, 2016 at 2:10 am

        They can grab with their tongues as well. Considering the location, the little geckos are probably house geckos. I’ve kept many species including tokays. I just adore those big spotted goofballs

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  • Anna  December 3, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    Oh God this was hard to see…did not even read the article. I’m terrified of geckos. They are fucking ugly and creepy to me. Ugh I can’t stand seeing them :/

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  • Kat  December 21, 2015 at 10:18 pm

    I feel you. I used to like geckos until last night, because they look cute and they eat bugs (plenty of bugs here in Bali, nice to get some cleaning help in your bedroom). However, last night I’ve had a really chatty gecko hanging right above my bed and I could hardly catch any sleep. *sighs* And now at dawn, when I have to get up, it of course shuts up. I’m wondering whether I should start talking really loud now, as a revenge, to disturb the gecko’s sleep now …

  • Nicole  December 22, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one terrified of these little demons…. where I’m from we don’t get them but I’m on holiday at the moment and they are every where.
    I went to bed and closed my door, turned off the light and as I picked up my phone these things started to glow… my room was covered in them. My mom and aunt had to spring clean my room before I could walk into the room so I could sleep. They even taped closed all the air vents because apparently there are hundreds in the roof.

    • Adeiza  January 3, 2016 at 5:29 am

      Why would a reptile repetitively find it way above ones head when one is sleeping? Why on the head and why does it drop on the person when the person is deeply asleep? Each time I am having a nightmare, I often wake up to see this creature next to my head. There is definitely something evil about it

  • Lucinda Hasterlik  January 13, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    I lived in Florida for a few years and yes you are right I thought they were cute too Until I couldn’t open the front door because of all of them or sit on the deck outside without being invaded lol So now I just enjoy watching the insurance company and their commercials with a Gecko
    Fun blog enjoyed it
    Thank You

  • johnee  January 20, 2016 at 8:14 pm

    What really made me browsed this reptile is its scary look. Whenever am in my kitchen, I always saw it but I did not feel comfortable killing it and I did not want to see it. But since I did not want to see it I decided to kill two with hot water and since then I do not see any of them again.

  • Lucinda Hasterlik  February 9, 2016 at 4:29 am

    Very funny blog and so true I lived in Florida for a couple of years and did for the most like it there except for the unexpected visits of those cute little guys lol
    Thanks for the blog

  • Lisa  March 3, 2016 at 10:25 am

    Loved reading this!!! Absolutely hilarious and sooooo true!!! I have geckos everywhere and have learned to never trust them!! They can get through the smallest spaces and they get into everything!!! You never say never with a gecko hahahaha!!! ㋡ Thanks for the humorous spin on this pesky creature!!

  • Diana  March 17, 2016 at 6:23 pm

    Oh my God! This is so hard to read. I’m soooo terrified of geckos and I had to cover their pictures while reading this article! I wish I don’t have this phobia! They just look so disgusting and creepy to me! Those big eyes and creepy fingers of them damn! Your friend is right. They look meaty too :/ ahhh they are just so ugly! I am not afraid of cockroaches and spiders but geckos freak me out!!! They can make me cry out of fear and it is so hard…so hard living with lizards! My dream is to travel the world but I am afraid to encounter geckos because I know they are everywhere..I deeply wish they never existed! :'(

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  • JOE HASS  May 9, 2016 at 1:15 am

    hi there i have one to in thailand and they talk:

    mine will say::: whats your name..and…ok ok ok…then aussie aussie aussie.
    they will pick up anything you say be careful…

    very clear better then a parrot

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    That by no means was the end of the story; there’s more lined up.

  • David  May 15, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    That image of the geckos as fingers (or claws) has freaked me out, I keep staring at it expecting something in my mind to relax… but it doesn’t

    • Torre DeRoche  August 22, 2017 at 1:16 pm

      I’m sorry David. I agree that it’s very disturbing. I have Photoshopping regrets.

  • TJ  June 28, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    LOL…Glad to hear someone else hates these creepy little #%€£¥£…. They look at you like zombies…..HATE THEM….

  • Takia  July 2, 2016 at 12:02 am

    Theirs one in my bathroom and we fill like there are alot of them on us they just look nasty and creepy

  • jeff  July 12, 2016 at 8:43 am

    heloo I am confused. can gekos cause any serious diseases when they mess up with your food and you unknowingly eat it?

  • Brittany  September 17, 2016 at 1:20 pm

    This is hilarious! I had the same experience with Geckos while holidaying in Bali. They kept getting in our room at night and making that fucking noise all night long. We found chasing them with a flashlight (pointing it at them then moving the light quickly) forced them back out, but ugh…so glad to be home and away from Geckos. I never thought I’d prefer the insects and creatures of Australia to anywhere else, but I must say, I’m glad there’s no Geckos where I live.

  • Sonja  September 18, 2016 at 11:06 am

    Oh my goodness, this article was hilarious!!! I don’t like geckos either. In fact I detest them. The way they move creeps me out so your description of that was perfect, lol! I’m pretty sure they eat their young too. I have a horror story about that, but we’ll leave it there.

  • Martins  September 20, 2016 at 1:15 am

    Bull…..geckos go about their business got nothing to do with us

  • Alani Keiser  October 1, 2016 at 8:15 am

    HAHAHAH!!! I was searching the web, trying to find info on common geckos – because there’s one in my house and I found it in my bed the other day… and then I found your post! hahah I laughed so hard. Kinda makes me feel like chasing him outa the house now hahah… funny as hell!!

  • Patricia Lyons  October 23, 2016 at 2:00 pm

    Nice post but cannot share it with my children.

  • Ava  October 24, 2016 at 2:41 pm

    I love ghecos and they are not trublemakers well a litle bit.

  • LadyVader  November 28, 2016 at 2:05 am

    You’re actually describing 2 different species of geckos here. The ones you find everywhere, that was on your ceiling, are quiet little house geckos. The “meaty” bathroom lizard is a tokay gecko, the males of the species give a loud call of “GECK-OH! GECK-OH!” Which you’ve obviously heard. Your friend Ivan was right not to move the gecko in the bathroom, as,tokay geckos can be very aggressive when frightened,and will bite and clamp on. That said, I love tokays and have had multiple tame ones.

  • John  December 6, 2016 at 9:26 am

    Have you ever looked into how they actually climb on walls . . . Oh and they get rid of most house hold pests at least in hawai’i

  • jean paula  December 13, 2016 at 6:53 am

    So..im sleeping…. You know on my bed and I felt something cold on my arm and I’m thinking….”oh where did this water come from” but then I decided to wake up and decipher where it came from and poof I see thing yellow gecko starting at me. I threw it to the ground and it magically disappeared….. I am totally scared for life….I still get chills…..

  • Rafa  February 5, 2017 at 7:01 pm

    I don’t like this post. It’s geckist.

    • Torre DeRoche  February 8, 2017 at 11:34 pm

      You make a fair point.

  • Bonny  February 11, 2017 at 4:00 pm

    I have a pet gecko, hes nice, but my brothers gecko, omg HES A COMPLETE A HOLE!! Earlier, i came upstairs in the room hes in to watch him, cuz im bored, and he quickly to me and his tail rises up and he shakes it. Then he flings at me, but thank GOD that hes in a cage!!! My gecko and his used tobbe in the same cage. My cuzin had them both in one cage and after a few months, decided she didnt want them anymore. I wanted the bigger one. My brother wanted the smaller one. And his gecko is a freaking demon!! And mine is a complete sweet heart. If u tKe mine out of his cage, and put him on a blanket then put the other side of the blanket (the part hes not on) on hus head, he closes his eyes and he looks like hes smiling. (I know suicide is no joke, but i mean it) My brothers gecko is suicidal. If u take him out, he will try to jump out of your hands, no matter how high. He bites and growls… i didnt know geckos can growl!!!
    So what im trying to say is, i guess there are nice geckos and geckos that just want to kill u.
    At least u dont have to feed them live crickets ○_○

  • Shweta  July 15, 2017 at 5:47 pm

    I have a small gecko in my house and it continuously squeaks. :-O The sound it makes is tchak tchak tchak…I read on net that mostly male geckos make noise..Don’t know how true is that. I was considering it to be a talkative female..

  • dash ratnavale  October 19, 2017 at 8:13 am

    I have been tormented by a nocturnal insect for almost a year, every single night! – had pest control twice and tried everything to repel it, but still don’t know what it could be.
    It seems intelligent and follows me from room to room, and is determined to wake me!
    Doesn’t like light or noise, but soon gets used to everything. I pray to God to remove this soul from my life, but it keeps coming without fail, every night.
    Please help!

    • Torre DeRoche  October 19, 2017 at 8:49 pm

      Hmm, this sounds like an especially difficult situation and I’m sorry to hear you’re being harassed like this. Since pest control isn’t working, nor any other method you’ve tried so far, perhaps you have to learn instead how to protect yourself psychologically? I would recommend therapy for this – it can help you get your power back so that pests like this cannot affect you anymore. It has helped other people I’ve spoken to. You shouldn’t have to live this way.

      • Ann fink  October 24, 2017 at 3:14 pm

        I cannot live with poop in my sink, bathroom and every possible place. Will my dog get poisoned? Even she is afraid. I have been up 3 weeks. Very little sleep. This us not cure. I love my house and antique furniture. Kill them..how?????!???!

  • Ann fink  October 24, 2017 at 3:09 pm

    Hilarious! I hate geckos. Came in from outside. Can’t get rid of them. They eat my antiques and african art et al. Help. How do I poison them? Maybe just myself. I can’t be in here. Help please.

    • Connor Scharf  September 13, 2018 at 6:40 pm

      How are they causing you harm? Geckos eat insects. They’re cooler and much less dangerous pest control than a spider. Also much more effective.

  • Joseph  December 1, 2017 at 12:39 pm

    That may have just been the best and most humorous take on the gecko race. I too believe that they have the hands of sex-offenders. My father (and other members of my family) found this piece very amusing, he is the author of the children’s novel ‘Steve the pug’ if you attempt to google this you will not find anything as it does not exist. At the time of this comment we too have a giant plotting reptilian watching us from the ceiling, we do not yet know what to do with it however we may have to move out of the house. Any ideas? Though humerous it has not helped with our scaly infestation.

  • fartfart  February 16, 2018 at 1:39 am


  • Junebug  March 4, 2018 at 8:16 am

    That was a hilarious read. Made me feel better about the gecko that just flew out from behind my baby’s shelf!

  • Dinessh Depp  May 2, 2018 at 5:03 pm

    I too have gecko phobia like your friend Ivan. I am really scared of them.

    And Torre, this one was so funny.
    I laughed hard from the start till the end.

    Now I really find them funny,
    This helped me a little bit to overcome my fear on geckos.


  • Jo  May 17, 2018 at 5:12 am

    This had me cracking !! And I totally get it !! They stare!!! Brrrrrrrrr

  • Connor Scharf  September 13, 2018 at 6:38 pm

    Thailand is home to one of the biggest and most defensive geckos in the world, the Tokay. Not the greatest place to start with your first wall crawling lizard experience lol. I own a Tokay myself and she is extremely calm and loves interaction with me. It’s a matter of perspective. To them, you’re a giant that could likely want them dead. It’s no wonder they’re so easily “angered”. They just want to stay alive.

  • Tuckge  October 13, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    The small chingjok guys are not the ones making the gecko sound,geckos sound is made by tuckge geckos which are rather big and do bite if attacked. The are called tuckge because it sounds like tuckge or gecko.

    • LadyVader  February 16, 2019 at 10:38 pm

      I had 3 tokays (another name for the species) and they’re quite the little biters. But I loved them anyway

  • jamesha  October 22, 2018 at 7:35 pm

    can u guys free gecko book plese

  • Andrea Miller  November 6, 2018 at 5:47 am

    I will tell you though, where I live, we get full grown wild rats. If you leave a door open at night, it is very likely one will scurry through. I can tell you that geckos are much safer, cleaner, and easier to deal with then rats. While a gecko can bite, it can’t carry diseases that washing your hands won’t take care of. They also will keep insects away. A rat on the other hand, you need to bleach clean EVERYTHING, and if it bites you? That’s a trip to the ER. I would much rather trade a population of wild rats for geckos any day.

  • LadyVader  February 16, 2019 at 10:37 pm

    To be fair, the bathroom gecko (and the calling ones) are Tokay geckos, and grabbing a wild one is NOT a good idea. And yes, they are meaty little chonks

  • srikant  March 2, 2019 at 10:24 am

    Thank you so much for the information

  • ANON  April 5, 2019 at 11:08 am

    Is this page still running?

    • ANON  April 5, 2019 at 11:10 am

      Nevermind, just scrolled down and saw the recent comments

  • Luna  June 15, 2019 at 6:55 am

    Lol this was a hilarious post.

    I personally love geckos and though from the USA, my second country is the Republic of Panamá and we are RIDDLED with these little guys! They happily make homes in Panamá City. XD I flippin’ love them! 😀

    I think they would think I’m creepy as I watch them with much interest with unblinking eyes like a cat as I always want to catch them. xD

    The soft “ki,ki,ki,ki” noise they make I find strangely soothing. I remember getting highly upset when my abuelita took out a can of poison and killed a little house gecko minding it’s own business.

    I miss Panamá and sometimes put on gecko noises to soothe this. I eventually plan on moving down there. Yes. I’m NUTS.

    I’ve heard people complaining about them and bugs (and in Panamá, there’s weirder $#1t than there is in the states and it’s a lot bigger. Like the insects…like COCKROACHES.) Never had any issues with critters ESPECIALLY NONE WITH GECKOS.

    Geckos are welcomed little guests and are all over the place. Just sound like happy little guys chirping to each other and have gave me fond memories of their chirps like one year while in Cerroazul, at night the noise was annoying an insufferable American we took with us while down there. xD lol He was so mad at the noise! And I’m pretty sure it egged the gecko on! :’D I also once proudly caught a tiny adorable teeny tiny baby gecko on a wall who I let go after while in Coronado. ^^

    Before Panamá, planning on moving to Florida whenever I can and googled if Florida had house geckos. Very happy to see they make home there as well.

    House geckos and house centipedes (which I used to have issues with and now don’t) are very beneficial housemates. Sadly, I don’t see da leggy bois as much as I used to. I know see house centipedes as kind of cute but how they move is still a bit unnerving.

    These critters usually don’t bother you unless you have ill will against them.

    And I can’t help but crack up at the Nigerian comment about geckos being “evil” witchcraft voudou bs sounds like one of those Nigerian scams! lol Sorry I had to.

    I love reptiles like alligators, crocodiles, lizards and snakes and amphibians so this is pretty much why I don’t mind such critters like geckos.

    In fact, I’d love to get an African bullfrog as a pet and feed him any unfortunate roaches I catch! xD

  • Chan  July 7, 2019 at 5:56 pm

    They’re not house lizards. They belong outdoors.

    • bone  September 4, 2020 at 2:46 pm

      dude they were built for you house. theyll leave when there is a shortage of bugs.the babies are completely harmless and have a better chance of surviving in your house.

  • Jacky  September 30, 2019 at 3:44 pm

    This is an ordinary house lizard in Philippines and they don’t make a noise.

    The Gecko’s here are bigger than that with thicker skin and has different colors. And they are really noisy!!! 🙂

  • Usman A. Mustapha  November 27, 2019 at 10:26 am

    Could gecko poison lead to death of a human being.
    Second Question
    Why could the Cat eat this lizard and survive?

    • Andrea  June 22, 2020 at 1:44 am

      My cat also used to love eating geckos, ew. I always watched from far away as she managed to capture them and then eat them, oh God. On occasions I got so disgusted I almost barfed and I wouldn’t let her near me but from her perspective, these geckos were the best dessert ever🥴 she loved eating them.

  • randomfact  December 29, 2019 at 4:53 pm

    Hi! I’m from Thailand and would like to clarify that Chingchok’s are actually house lizards/common house geckos (which are what you are referring as to gecko’s), and should not be mistaken with geckos which are called “Tookgae’s” due to the sound that they make. Gecko’s are bigger than common house geckos/lizards, and geckos have spots. Hope this has helped.

  • jyoti soni  April 18, 2020 at 11:05 pm

    hi everybody, what im about to share maybe some people wont believe, theres a greko with very light black spots in my house, im an animal lover so from her lizerthood ive seen her and talked to her , i may ve imprinted on her😜 she can hear what i say in my mind . just now she was walking on the floor( yes this madam walks on the floor) i thought that she should go and lick my brothers foot ( coz we had a fight) and madam was going somewhere else , she suddenly turns towards my brothers bed climb up to his foot and start licking , i got afraid and shouted to wake my brother , he is feeling the iching sensetion on his foot. and he has no idea whos behind this.🤷🏼‍♀️

    • Andrea  June 22, 2020 at 1:37 am

      OH MY GOD ITS TRUE!!! They absolutely KNOW who hates them and who doesn’t. They are evil!!!

      • bone  September 4, 2020 at 2:52 pm

        ok mate geckos arent evil and it sounds like a personal problem. maybe you should see a therapist?

  • Fzs  May 28, 2020 at 3:27 am

    Thank you for this article! As hilarious as it is, it is absolutely the truth. They are the sneakiest most disgusting creatures in the universe 😥. Would like to add a few more facts I’ve observed 😉
    They know who hates them and who doesnt. I’ve had a huge black one jump on my forehead when i opened the cupboard many years ago and that was pretty far rhe worst experience in my life. Never in my life have I screamed like i did that day and I’ve detested them ever since. I cant bear to look at them or even look at a picture. They somehow always manage to find me!
    They’ve pooped and peed on me.
    They are an organized bunch and are “stationed” at different locations in the house. When one dies it is replaced by another immediately.
    They multiply rapidly. If you ever see a white bead-like thing beware, it could be an egg.
    They become a nuisance and are highly poisonous if they fall into your pot of food as consuming it would kill you.
    They change colour according to the surroundings – an attempt to camouflage. And they also change colour when they are afraid.
    They freeze when they sense danger.
    I didnt know they lick their eyelids..uuurrgh.
    Try to get rid of them. There are no pest control mechanisms that could effectively get rid of them. But I’ve found that insect sprays sprayed generously do kill them 🤗

    • bone  September 4, 2020 at 2:42 pm

      fzs you discugsing piece of crap. would you rather have a bunch of cockroaches in your house?

      If you dont want them in your house move them outside , whatever
      method you find for them to not be a problem make sure it doesn’t hurt the lil guy.

    • bone  September 4, 2020 at 3:16 pm

      oh and by the way that food bowl thing is probably fake.or that one gecko had a disease.

  • Andrea  June 22, 2020 at 1:33 am

    I totally agree with your post omg. Geckos are evil and they seem like they have a complot against the humans that are sketchy about them I swear.

    • bone  September 4, 2020 at 2:48 pm

      some geckos have formed bond with there owners.

  • Andrea  June 22, 2020 at 1:35 am

    Any advise on how to repel geckos forever?

    • bone  September 4, 2020 at 2:50 pm

      we should be try to repel diseases from rats. we should be trying to repel cockroaches. why the geckos?

  • Sienna  June 23, 2020 at 6:36 am

    I have a pet gecko and they are the most beautiful, trusting animals. They are super smart and cute. They’re nothing to be scared of. If anything it’s probably more scared of you than you’re scared of it. My gecko knows his name, recognizes me, and even has his own music preferences! His favorite band is Queen. He bounces his head to the beat of their songs uwu.

  • Adel  July 9, 2020 at 9:23 pm

    Whoever wrote this is awesome

  • bone  September 4, 2020 at 2:58 pm

    i dont understand why so many people want to kill geckos. there smart. they have some basic emotions. they keep bugs away from your house. and are completely harmless if you mess with them, heck the babies do nothing! I understand being scared of some snakes but geckos?

  • Ray  November 14, 2020 at 5:07 am

    I totally agree with the author, there’s just something creepy about those little freaks

  • mar  January 24, 2021 at 9:21 pm

    I don’t trust these creature, they pissed on me four rimes already.

  • Ekepoppin_Nlló!  February 19, 2021 at 9:36 am

    Well done Ma. I think you are an extraordinary writer. I discovered you today 18.2.2021 from your post about geckos titled: “why you should never trust a gecko”.😀

    Yeah, I’ve heard a few allegations against those potopoto creatures. Some say they’re poisonous, others say that witches use them as instrument to get to their victims. Wow! That sounds crazy!

    Actually, l use to like geckos a bit and I didn’t bother to kill them. Rather, I watch them hunt; maybe roaches or flies by the light (usually electric bulb light) at night.

    One night, I went to pee and I bumped into a couple mating on the bathroom wall. And I had to hurry back to the sitting room to quickly get my phone just in time in order to catch them on camera before they’re done with their love making and untwist and disappear into the crack on the wall. This happened about 6 years ago. However, I’ve really grown very hateful of them lately!

    I read a post on Facebook sometime about how the wife finished cooking food for the family of 4: herself, her husband and her two kids. She didn’t know how a gecko got into the hot soup pot because she removed the cover to let the vapor out. So, she served her two kids from the pot and after they ate the food, both of them died! Later on, the dead gecko was found inside the same soup pot. So, it was concluded that the dead gecko was the poison which killed the children from the food they ate. According to the story, the mother did not eat of the food. She was waiting for her husband to return from work so both of them can eat together. I don’t know if this much is true, but that’s how the story was.

    Another experience was when some guy in the neighbourhood just started killing the geckos that were hunting insects by the wild light bulb on the wall. He was seriously slapping each gecko against the wall with one of his flip-flops to the amusement of everyone 😀. And each one he struck dropped dead on the ground. And some dudes were wondering why he was seriously killing them, and he said in Yòrúbá… “ólórí búrúkún là’wón kíní yíí! tóbá dúró l’órí é nígbà tébá tín sún, émámá láláá búrúkún!” – meaning: these things are very wicked! (in other words evil) If they stay over your head while you are sleeping, you will be having nightmares!

    This brings me to my own experience. One night, I was sleeping under a mosquito treated net in the open space. I’m not sure exactly what time it was because I didn’t check time, But it was midnight. I was fast asleep, but I don’t know how or why my eye lids just flipped open like piamm! And lo and behold, there’s a potopoto gecko right over my head! It was on the other out side of the net though, but it was just lying there right opposite my face! I wondered why it was just lying there right over my head with my face up! Was it hunting mosquitoes or what? I wondered. And it was just lying there not moving. With all the allegations I’ve heard about this potopoto reptile racing on my mind, instinct told me the creature was up to something unpleasant! ‘This is dangerous’! I thought to myself. If it pees or drops the other waste, its going to end up on my face! So I got angry! And so, with a swift fling of the back of my palm, I slapped the potopoto gecko off the top of my sleeping net! What a potopoto! And it fell away somewhere! I don’t think it survived the potopoto hit! Must have died somewhere! Potopoto thing! Since the night of the experience (although I couldn’t remember having a nightmare by the time I woke up) I’m moved to kill anyone on sight! But they are very watchful, swift and smart! They would disappear before you figure out how to go about killing them in order to not scare them away. Its as if they read your mind. They quickly sense danger and don’t hesitate to run for cover.

    So, I decided to really find out what people have to say about geckos online. So I asked Google. ‘Are they really poisonous? Are they really used by witches to carry out their manipulations on their victims? Then Google brought your post as one of my search results. So I read your post. Although, in the post, you didn’t come out to explicitly say if they are really diabolical. As in if they are used by witches to torment their sleeping victims or not. Not that I expected you to hint on that anyways. Its different strokes for different folks. Moreover, I was making my little research objectively. But your title: “Reasons why you should never trust a gecko” is very intriguing to me. That’s why I read the post. However, I’m so much thrilled by all you wrote about them. You were so very descriptive and every sentence was ‘a hit on the nail head! I was giggling and chucking all the time and even lol at a point where you said ‘they plot against you’. I also discovered that they don’t have eyelids and that they lick their potopoto eyes with their tongue. That sounds quite abnormal. Reminds me of potopoto bats which pass out wastes through their potopoto mouth and sleep head pointed down! 😀 Well, you can’t blame them for being made that way by God.

    But you really described them as they really are. I also learnt a new word – ‘sashaying’ which you used to describe the manner of their movement. I simply highlighted the word and looked it up on Google search to understand the meaning. I wish I could write so descriptively like you ma. You are a ‘THRILLER’!

    I also read a few comments here by other readers on this same post and they had different things to say. Some say they like geckos, while others hate it! Me I hate them! I remember a wet piece of something dropping on my arm sometime in the past and I looked to see it was its excreta. Its always mixed black and white! Makes me wonder why its like that.

    But I’m glad to discover you. ☺🤗
    And now, I’m willing to explore your works! Thanks for being an extraordinary writer with the talent to create works that make people happy to read. #inodiehkuwakuwakeeprockin!💪👍💣💥🔥

  • Marc Goedvolk  July 21, 2021 at 8:23 am

    She writes travel books been to Thailand but does not know that that is not a gecko (Tockae in Thai) as a gecko is 10x bigger and has specles

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